proof spirit

September 15, 2009

Don’t let the Basterds get you down

Filed under: Film — Aiden @ 9:09 pm
The embarrassing results of not using spelchek

The embarrassing results of not using spelchek

Firstly, any Quentin Tarantino movie is worthy of a look. He may have peaked a little early in his career, but he is at least driven to try and produce films of greatness – I don’t think he is in it for the money. I reckon his latest offering is a far better way of spending two and a half hours than most multiplex fare and I predict history will treat it kindly. ‘Inglourious Basterds’ itself treats history with the same disdain as it treats spelling and is all the better for it – we all know how the Second World War went and now we know different.

The opening scene is one of the finest: all politeness and respect on the surface while the tension builds, plus a smart device used to dispose of the subtitles – the film’s first laugh. Here we are introduced to Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz), the real star of this film. Brad Pitt may get top billing and though he gives a perfectly reasonable performance he is never stretched – a waste of an actor of his calibre. Waltz, on the other hand, delivers dialogue in at least four languages, oozes menace while dispensing pleasantries and constantly surprises. Worth watching the film for him alone.

I left the cinema wondering quite what I’d seen, but then it slowly returned to memory. Trademark Tarantino scenes with sharp dialogue, that does not drive the plot but entertains, are in abundance. Mike Myers’ cameo as a British officer is hilarious. The violence is brutal, especially one German officer’s demise at the end of a baseball bat. The ending is unexpected and nicely wraps things up. There are even one or two laughs.

The more I think about it, the more I like Inglourious Basterds. It will find its way into my collection in the future as I am sure it will bear repeat viewings.

Have a look at the rather impressive official site:

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